Many in the U.S. in support of democracy and freedom feel helpless and are looking for ways to assist as the Russians invade Ukraine. Given the amount of fraud in all such “instant pleas” for help, HSToday has compiled a list of verified U.S. charities that support Ukraine. We urge anyone interested in offering financial or other support to verify the organizations to which they are donating against this list:
All the listed charities are registered in the USA and are 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit organizations. Donations and gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.
Всі благодійні організації подані нижче зареєстровані в США.
Внески та пожертви згідно з параграфом 501 (c) (3) звільнені від оподаткування.
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)
Donate to Humanitarian Effort
United Help Ukraine
Donate to the Life-saving medical supplies to Ukraine’s front lines
Revived Soldiers Ukraine
Donate to Treatment of the wounded and the provision of hospitals
Razom for Ukraine
Donate to Tactical medical training and emergency response in Ukraine
Nova Ukraine
Donate to Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine
Sunflower of Peace
Donate to Tactical medicine
If you know of others for us to add, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] with the information and verification. Special thanks to Adrian Pidlusky for contributing research and verification to this report. Please share this post to your social networks to stop the fraud and the criminals choosing to leverage this crisis to line their pockets.