The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Information and Technology (OIT) is seeking industry feedback in support the planned recompete of its Enterprise Business Management Support Services (EBMSS) BPA.
CBP intends to issue a Request for Information (RFI), as well as draft Performance Work Statement, for the proposed EBMSS 2.0 acquisition with the objective of strengthening the intended source selection approach to best support requirements.
CBP plans to publish the RFI on the GSA eBuy platform, and anticipates release by June 14, 2023. The RFI will provide instructions and response time. It is expected Industry will have around 7-10 days to respond.
This notice is only to provide advance notice of the planned release of the RFI. If there are changes to publishing location, this notice will be amended before release of the RFI.