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Washington D.C.
Monday, February 17, 2025

TSA Seeks Industry Comments on Open Architecture Roadmap

Open Architecture is a design approach where components, such as software and hardware, are standards-based and interoperable.

The TSA’s mission is to protect the nation’s transportation systems to ensure the freedom of movement for people and commerce. To achieve this mission in an evolving threat environment, TSA must remain an agile and flexible organization that can rapidly field innovative screening solutions that improve TSA’s security posture. It is essential that TSA implements these innovative screening solutions in a manner that supports the Transportation Security Officer in conducting the critical screening functions and improves the passenger experience.

Open Architecture is a design approach where components, such as software and hardware, are standards-based and interoperable to allow a wide range of industry partners to create improved subcomponents (e.g., new detection algorithms, user interfaces, reporting systems, etc.).  Leveraging an open architecture design approach will enable TSA to improve its security posture, support its frontline workforce, and promote an improved traveler experience. The successful implementation of this approach will require coordination across a wide range of partners to include government agencies, regulators, industry and international partners, national labs, academia, and airports.

TSA has released a Roadmap in draft form to elicit comments from Industry. Comments are requested to be provided within twenty-one days of this posting/no later than March 2, 2023, via the attached Excel spreadsheet titled “OA Roadmap Industry Comments.” The Government will review Industry comments for market research purposes only. The Government does not intend to provide a response to comments submitted for this Roadmap; however, based on vendor comments, the Government may arrange a technical information exchange to clarify or expand on comments provided. This Roadmap does not commit the U.S. Government to any course of action in the future. The Government may or may not utilize Industry suggestions in finalizing the Roadmap and information based on comments may be shared with the public in the final draft of the Roadmap. No proprietary information shall be provided by Industry. Each respondent, by submitting comments, agrees that any costs incurred in providing comments shall be the sole responsibility of the respondent/vendor. The Government shall incur no obligations or liabilities whatsoever, to anyone, for costs or expenses incurred by the respondent/vendor in responding to this Request for Comments.

Read more at SAM.gov

Homeland Security Today
Homeland Security Todayhttp://www.hstoday.us
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