A record-breaking number of Coast Guard spouses are applying for this year’s scholarship awards. To meet this immediate need GEICO Military has stepped up to help in a big way.
They will match your donation today through February 28 to help us provide as many scholarships to Coast Guard spouses as possible.
The number of spouses applying right now has already passed the total number of awardees from last year! And with this year’s application deadline of February 26, we are forecasting a significant total number of applications this year.
GEICO Military generously answered our call and offered to match all gifts up to $20,000 to ensure we can provide scholarships to as many successful applicants as possible.
For Coast Guard spouses, achieving higher education or professional licensing and certification boosts a family’s financial stability and gives them personal fulfillment. The Coast Guard Foundation offers grants and scholarships to spouses so that they have everything they need to provide for their families and strengthen their well-being.
Last year, our scholarship and grant program awarded 265 awards for a total of $147,500 in support to deserving Coast Guard spouses. Since 2011, more than 1,100 awards have been provided totaling more than $500,000 in support.
We thank our generous supporters who believe in this program and continue to invest in this critical initiative. To have your donation matched by GEICO Military visit: coastguardfoundation.org/spouses2021