22.3 F
Washington D.C.
Monday, January 20, 2025

DroneShield Adds Machine Learning/AI-Based Detection Software to C-UAS Systems

DroneShield has announced the rollout of its first fully machine learning/artificial intelligence (AI) based detection and classification software to all of its existing customer systems.

DroneShield uses its proprietary techniques in signal processing and machine learning/AI to perform near-real time detection and identification of unmanned robotic systems and, more broadly, other potential threats in the electronic warfare fields. The company says the result is a dramatic increase in detection responsiveness, lower false positives and a significant increase in the speed at which new threats are detected, classified and tracked.

One of the key features of DroneShield’s technology is a very lightweight machine learning architecture designed to run on low power FPGA (Field-Programable Gate Array) hardware. This enables the system to be deployed for long periods in power scarce, air-gapped environments.

The software is designed to run on all DroneShield platforms including RfPatrol™, DroneSentry™ and DroneSentry-X™.

DroneShield adds that future device software updates will build on this system architecture and increase performance and the number of detectable threats.

Read the announcement at DroneShield

Homeland Security Today
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