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Washington D.C.
Friday, October 11, 2024

Liberty Defense Announces Contract With Battelle for Advanced Aviation Checkpoint Screening

Liberty Defense Holdings Ltd. has been awarded a contract for next generation airport checkpoint screening from Battelle to collaboratively develop, integrate, and test HD-AIT upgrade kits.

Battelle, located in Columbus Ohio, is the world’s largest independent research and development organization.

Liberty Defense previously licensed the millimeter wave-based, High-Definition Advanced Imaging Technology (HD-AIT) body scanner and shoe screener technologies as part of its on-going relationship with Battelle in March of 2021. Both technologies were developed by researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), funded by U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T) on behalf of the Transportation Security Administration mission. PNNL is one of eight U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories managed by Battelle. 

The HD-AIT next-generation people screening technology platform for threat detection is capable of high-definition imaging with an arms down pose for a better passenger experience.

“Today’s aviation security requires improved detection capability to meet evolving threats,” says Liberty President & CTO Michael Lanzaro. “We licensed the HD-AIT technology to support the development and commercialization of this leading-edge platform, and we look forward to working with the Battelle and PNNL teams towards this end.”

Liberty’s experienced engineering and product development team will assist PNNL in the design, integration, testing, and delivery of the Retrofit Kit Assembly for DHS S&T.

Read more at Liberty Defense

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