Smartronix, LLC, a provider in Command, Control, Computers, Communications, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C5ISR), next-generation cloud, and advanced engineering and Information Technology (IT) solutions, will continue as a prime contractor to U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) under the $986M Monitoring, Analysis, Reconnaissance, Logistics, Intelligence, and Network Services (MARLINS) Task Order. With this award, Smartronix has the opportunity to extend their support of USSOUTHCOM through 2026 (inclusive of exercised option periods) – providing over ten years of cumulative, continuous Counter Narcotics, Countering Transnational Organized Crime, C5ISR, intelligence collection, and analysis support.
MARLINS, like its predecessor USSOUTHCOM C4ISR, will be a complex, multi-tenant task order providing cutting edge ISR solutions through cloud enabled data analytics to USSOUTHCOM, other combatant commands, service components, along with members of the Intelligence Community.
“We are fully committed to our partnership with USSOUTHCOM and GSA FEDSIM and grateful to our employees that diligently support the USSOUTHCOM mission. We look forward to the continued delivery of transformational C5ISR solutions in support of this critical mission partner,” said Peter LaMontagne, Chief Executive Officer.
Hector Cuevas, President of the C5ISR business unit, commented, “USSOUTHCOM’s mission is to enhance our security and defend the U.S. homeland and our national interests. Our adversaries are incessantly creating new threats, so we must continually innovate to keep pace in support of USSOUTHCOM. Smartronix continually strives to identify emerging technological advances to accelerate and assure mission execution for our clients. This mission support is increasingly accomplished via cloud-based and data intensive approaches to the Tasking, Collection, Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination process.”