President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team wasted no time assuring, “America’s stature in the world is determined by its values, prosperity and might,” and that he “understands how a strong, prosperous economy underwrites military might and how a strong and robust military secures our way of life and the fruits of our economy.” The team also said he recognizes “we cannot tackle challenges,
especially threats to our security, unless we define the problem in a way American resources and instruments of power can be applied against them.”
To this end, Trump understands the long-term threat posed to our nation and allies by radical anti-Western Islamist jihadi ideologies that direct and inspire the vulnerable ears of Islamists willing to listen; there are inherently vulnerable
Islamist men waiting to be indoctrinated into he grand plan of a theocratic, global Islamist caliphate.
The transition team also noted that, “A Trump administration also recognizes the uniquely catastrophic threats posed by nuclear weapons and cyber attacks.” They continued that the president-elect “will ensure our strategic nuclear triad is modernized to ensure it continues to be an effective deterrent, and his administration will review and minimize our nation’s infrastructure vulnerabilities to cyber threats.”
To this end, he’s said he intends to eliminate sequestration and will ask Congress for an immediate $60 billion infusion into the Department of Defense.
Read the complete report in the current Homeland Security Today.