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Washington D.C.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Answers to Coast Guard Industry Partners’ Questions About Post-Shutdown Payments

Dwight D. Deneal, director of Small Business and Industry Liaison Programs at the U.S. Coast Guard, issued this guidance today for industry partners who have questions about post-shutdown appropriations:

As you are aware, on Dec. 22, 2018, the USCG experienced a lapse in appropriations. Given the lack of funding, there were significant limitations as to the type of work that could continue and the number of employees allowed to support those critical functions. Presently, the USCG has received limited funding under a Continuing Resolution and is currently working to fully reconstitute our effort toward normal operations.

Please find below, a few frequently asked questions that may be helpful:

We submitted an invoice prior to Dec. 22, 2018; now that the USCG has appropriations, when do you expect we will receive payment on our invoice? 

It is the USCG intent to promptly process and remit payment for valid and proper invoices. In general, if the invoice is not rejected in accordance with FAR Subpart 32.905 and it has been determined that the goods and services have been received, inspected, and accepted, the Contracting Officer (and/or designee) may approve the invoice for payment. To check the status of a particular invoice, please go to https://www.fincen.uscg.mil/electron_cg24.htm and see links to “Payment Status” at the bottom of the page.

We submitted an invoice after Dec. 22, 2018; now that the USCG has appropriations, when do you expect we will receive payment on our invoice?

It is the USCG intent to promptly process and remit payment for valid and proper invoices. In general, if the invoice is not rejected in accordance with FAR Subpart 32.905 and it has been determined that the goods and services have been received, inspected, and accepted, the Contracting Officer (and/or designee) may approve the invoice for payment. To check the status of a particular invoice please go to https://www.fincen.uscg.mil/electron_cg24.htm and see links to “Payment Status” at the bottom of the page.

We are a small business contractor and we submitted an invoice prior to (or after) Dec. 22, 2018, will the USCG pay that invoice within 15 days of receipt?

In general, the Prompt Payment Act requires the USCG to pay valid and proper invoices within 30 days after receipt and acceptance; however, the USCG will endeavor to pay our small business partners as soon as practicable considering our ongoing reconstitution efforts.

If you are experiencing issues with submitted invoices, please contact your cognizant contracting officer for resolution.  Additionally, if you are experiencing communication challenges in contacting your cognizant contracting officer, feel free to send an email to [email protected] and we will work to establish a line of communication between your company and the cognizant contracting officer.

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