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Washington D.C.
Saturday, January 18, 2025

Dulles CBP Specialists Discover Rare Insect Pests, Including a First-in-Port Find

U.S. Department of Agriculture entomologists recently confirmed that U.S. Customs and Border Protection agriculture specialists at Washington Dulles International Airport intercepted two insect pests that hold interesting distinction – a first-in-port discovery and one that hasn’t been observed here in 40 years.

CBP agriculture discovered the two insect pests while inspecting a shipment of 188 protea and chamelaucium cut-stem flowers imported from South Africa on October 7. The flowers were destined to an address in King George County, Va. CBP agriculture specialists routinely inspect flower imports to ensure that they are free of pests that pose serious threats to our nation’s agricultural and environmental resources.

Agriculture specialists safeguarded the specimens and sent them to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) entomologist. The entomologist identified the specimens as Caprhiobia sp. (Lygaeidae), and Oxycarenus maculatus (Protea seed bug). Both pests are known to occur in Africa.

Caprhiobia sp. (Lygaeidae) is a plant bug known to occur in South Africa that that has a voracious appetite and causes extensive damage to vegetation. The USDA entomologist consulted the national pest identifier database and confirmed this as a first-in-port discovery, meaning there has been no previous reported discovery of Caprhiobia sp. (Lygaeidae) in this region.

Oxycarenus maculatus is also known as the Protea seed bug. Seed bugs are a crop pest and poses a serious threat to our nation’s crop industries, such as corn, grains, wheat, cotton, fruit, tree nuts, and vegetables. The USDA entomologist consulted the national pest identifier database and confirmed that this insect pest has not been observed locally since November 1984.

“Invasive insect pests pose a severe threat to our agricultural industries and to our nation’s economic security,” said Marc Calixte, CBP’s Area Port Director for the Area Port of Washington, D.C. “Customs and Border Protection agriculture specialists remain steadfast on our nation’s frontline protecting our natural and agricultural resources from invasive pests and plants, and from animal and plant diseases that could cripple our nation’s economy.”

CBP agriculture specialists have extensive training and experience in the biological sciences and agricultural inspection, and they inspect tens of thousands of international air passengers, and air and sea cargoes being imported to the United States. They are on our nation’s frontlines to ensure our nation’s economic resilience by protecting our critical agricultural resources.

During a typical day last year, CBP agriculture specialists across the nation seized 3,287 prohibited plant, meat, animal byproducts, and soil, and intercepted 231 insect pests at U.S. ports of entry.

The original announcement can be found here.

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