32.6 F
Washington D.C.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Pandemic ‘Accelerating’ House Modernization as Lawmakers Push for Remote Votes, Hearings

The House, after some initial reluctance, is taking steps for members and their staff to work remotely more easily during the coronavirus pandemic.

Starting Tuesday, House staff must electronically submit floor documents, including bills, resolutions, cosponsors and extensions of remarks, to a “dedicated and secure email system,” rather than hand-delivering hard copies to the Speaker’s lobby or to Democrat and Republican cloakrooms.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), in a “Dear Colleagues” letter sent Monday, said the upcoming rules change reflects talks with the House Rules and Administration committees, as well as the Office of the Clerk and the Office of the Parliamentarian.

Read more at Federal News Network

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