On Nov. 9, multiple pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Telegram channels released the second issue of the “Youth of the Caliphate” magazine. The issue featured articles, posters, and infographics praising the mujahideen, encouraging Muslims to carry out jihadi operations against “Crusaders,” and highlighting the role of online jihadis in supporting ISIS.
Most of the magazine’s posters, which encourage Muslims living in the West to carry out attacks using guns, knives, bombs, and trucks, had been previously published by pro-ISIS media groups such as Al-‘Abd Al-Faqir foundation, Ghurabaa, and others.
For example, a poster describing cell phones as “Ideal Spies,” which appeared in ISIS weekly newspaper Al-Naba’, was republished in the magazine next to an article praising ISIS for being diligent in protecting the lives of its fighters by warning against, banning, and limiting the use of cell phones.
In an article titled “Media jihad,” the magazine emphasized the role of online jihadis and encouraged them to dedicate time every day to supporting ISIS online by purchasing a phone or a laptop to be exclusively used for online jihadi activities, requesting and activating social media accounts by contacting Ansar Bank, and installing browsers such as Brave, UC browser, Puffin, and Via.
Another article titled “Oh, Supporters of the Caliphate” urges online jihadis to republish productions released by official ISIS media foundations and encourages them to join “publishing brigades” and focus on social media to target the general public.
The magazine issue includes an announcement from the pro-ISIS media group “Sarh Al-Khilafa [Caliphate Monument],” which is looking for “brothers” with expertise in documentary production, archiving, programing, designing, proofreading, and translating. According to the announcement, applicants must have declared their loyalty to the ISIS Caliph, must agree to listen and obey, and must be available most of the time. Those interested in applying are invited to contact a Telegram channel.