Radical Islamism is being allowed to spread within U.S. prisons, partly because of connections between a Muslim chaplain appointed by the Department of Justice and the Islamic Online University, according to the Daily Caller.
The article says that Muslim chaplain Mutahir Sabree, who is responsible for curating and distributing religious materials to incarcerated Muslims as part of a program to stop the spread of extremism, is also the U.S. director of Operations for the Islamic Online University. The IOU was founded by notorious Salfi imam Bilal Philips, who has been banned from several countries including Britain, Denmark and Australia for his extremist views. He was also named as an unindicted conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings, and the British prison system have banned his book from its detention facilities.
The DC reports that although the IOU, which runs the Prison Initiative, has a disclaimer stating an anti-extremism stance on its website, this is not reflected in its course materials. These are said to contain strong extremist views about a wide range of topics including homosexuality, along with advocating the death sentence “to maintain social order
for those who leave Islam. “Organizations like IOU take advantage of this open door and, in fact, use prisons to their advantage in order to radicalize the most susceptible members of society,” says the article.