U.S. Customs and Border Protection today issued a reminder for public comments in anticipation of the upcoming Green Trade Innovation and Incentives Forum; an event designed to solicit and share ideas related to green trade innovation and incentivization of clean and sustainable supply chains. The public comment period closes Monday, May 22. The agency published a Federal Register Notice on April 21 announcing the event, which seeks to engage the public in the implementation of CBP’s Green Trade Strategy.
The Green Trade Innovation and Incentives Forum seeks to foster an open dialogue around three key topics: green data as a strategic asset; green trade incentives; and green trade-related research and innovation. CBP invites all interested parties to submit public comments for consideration on these topics.
The Forum, to be held at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office headquarters, will also feature a Trade Sustainability Leadership Showcase to highlight the various efforts industry members are undertaking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve natural resources and increase overall environmental sustainability within their operations and throughout their supply chains. The showcase will present an opportunity and platform for selected members of the international trade community to share their successes, best practices, challenges and lessons learned in greening their own operational processes and footprints, as well as discuss the ways they are working with supply chain and other business partners to reduce emissions, protect natural resources and generate innovative solutions.
“CBP is committed to working with our government and private sector partners to deliver a more sustainable future for trade,” said AnnMarie Highsmith, Executive Assistant Commissioner of CBP’s Office of Trade. “The inaugural Green Trade Innovation and Incentives Forum will foster public-private dialogue and deliver practical solutions that help protect the environment and promote economic growth.”
CBP welcomes comments and participation from a wide range of environmentally conscious organizations and individuals, including chief sustainability officers in the trade industry, non-governmental organizations, environmental researchers and academia, government agencies and other sustainability-focused entities.
For more information, including how to submit public comments and/or, showcase proposals and register to attend, review the Federal Register Notice. Questions can be directed to [email protected].