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Washington D.C.
Monday, February 17, 2025

GAO: Actions Needed to Improve Oversight of ICE Detention Facility Contracts

Immigration and Customs Enforcement contracts and agreements have increasingly guaranteed minimum payments to detention facility contractors—paying for beds regardless of use. ICE spent $20.5 million in May 2020 for over 12,000 unused beds a day, on average.

In most recent contracts, ICE has not documented its need for new space or followed other portions of its own process for obtaining it.

The ICE officers who oversee contracts in 8 of 12 field offices where the Government Accountability Office conducted interviews said office management hindered their ability to independently and effectively oversee detention contracts.

In fiscal year 2019, ICE had detention contracts or agreements with 233 facilities, 185 of which it used to hold detainees.

ICE primarily uses intergovernmental service agreements (IGSA) to acquire detention space. Officials said IGSAs offer several benefits over contracts, including fewer requirements for documentation or competition.

ICE has a process for obtaining new detention space, but it did not follow this process for most of its recent acquisitions and does not have a strategic approach to using guaranteed minimum payments in its detention contracts and agreements. From fiscal year 2017 through May 11, 2020, ICE entered into 40 contracts and agreements for new detention space. GAO’s review of ICE’s documentation found that 28 of 40 of these contracts and agreements did not have documentation from ICE field offices showing a need for the space, outreach to local officials, or the basis for ICE’s decisions to enter into them, as required by ICE’s process. Until ICE consistently uses its process, it will not have reasonable assurance that it is making cost-effective decisions that best meet its operational needs. ICE has increasingly incorporated guaranteed minimum payments into its contracts and agreements, whereby ICE agrees to pay detention facility operators for a fixed number of detention beds regardless of whether it uses them. However, ICE has not taken a strategic approach to these decisions and has spent millions of dollars a month on unused detention space. Planning for detention space needs can be challenging, according to ICE officials, because the agency must respond to factors that are dynamic and difficult to predict. A strategic approach to using guaranteed minimums could help position ICE to balance these factors and make more effective use of federal funds.

ICE relies on Contracting Officer’s Representatives (COR) to oversee detention contracts and agreements, but the COR’s supervisory structure—where field office management, rather than headquarters, oversee COR work and assess COR performance—does not provide sufficient independence for effective oversight. CORs in eight of 12 field offices identified concerns including lacking resources or support, as well as supervisors limiting their ability to use contract enforcement tools and bypassing CORs’ oversight responsibilities in contracting matters. Revising its supervisory structure could help ICE ensure that detention contract and agreement terms are enforced.

GAO is making five recommendations, including that ICE include stakeholder input and document decision-making for new detention space acquisitions; implement a strategic approach to using guaranteed minimums; and revise its supervisory structure for contract oversight. DHS concurred with four recommendations and disagreed with revising its supervisory structure. GAO believes the recommendation remains valid, as discussed in the report.

Read the GAO report

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