Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen has announced her determination that an extension of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for Yemen is warranted pursuant to the Immigration and Nationality Act. After carefully reviewing conditions in Yemen with interagency partners, Secretary Nielsen determined that the ongoing armed conflict and extraordinary and temporary conditions that support Yemen’s current designation for TPS continue to exist. Therefore, pursuant to the statute, she has extended Yemen’s TPS designation for 18 months.
Individuals from Yemen with TPS will be eligible to re-register for an extension of their status for 18 months, through March 3, 2020. Prior to the conclusion of the 18-month extension, the Secretary will review conditions in Yemen to determine whether its TPS designation should be extended again or terminated.
There are approximately 1,250 Yemeni TPS beneficiaries. This 18-month extension of Yemen’s designation for TPS permits current Yemeni TPS beneficiaries to re-register for TPS and remain in the United States with work authorization through March 3, 2020. To be eligible for TPS under Yemen’s current designation, along with meeting the other eligibility requirements, individuals must have continuously resided in the United States since January 4, 2017, and have been continuously physically present in the United States since March 4, 2017.