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Washington D.C.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Poll: Low Support for Abolishing ICE on Both Sides of the Aisle

A new poll from OH Predictive Insights shows that there are some commonalities between Republicans and Democrats: they don’t support abolishing ICE.

OH Predictive Insights and ABC15 Arizona (OHPI/ABC15) teamed up to find out the support or opposition for abolishing ICE.

“The numbers suggest running on a pro-abolish ICE platform this election year would not be a good idea if you want to hold your base of support – on either side of the aisle,” says Mike Noble, managing partner and chief pollster at OH Predictive Insights, a Phoenix-based research polling company. “I was a bit surprised on the results from the Democratic primary sample – expected more support for abolishing ICE.”

OHPI conducted two separate surveys: One for a likely 2018 GOP Primary sample and another with a likely 2018 Democratic Primary sample. Both asked the same question: Do you support or oppose abolishing ICE?

Twenty-six percent of Democrats and 19.2 percent of Republicans surveyed supported abolishing ICE. Of those who opposed abolishing ICE, 41.6 percent were Democrats and 71.1 percent were Republicans. Nearly a third of Democrats were unsure, while 9.7 percent of Republicans felt that way.

Homeland Security Today
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