Indegy has won the E.ON Corporate Challenge on Cyber Security against six other companies. The hands-on, one-day challenge was organized by European energy provider E.ON and its corporate accelerator and seed-investor :agile.
Indegy was awarded the paid pilot with the Information Security unit of E.ON and this will commence in 2019. René Rindermann, Chief Information Security Officer at E.ON said Indegy would help address the increasing challenge of asset discovery. “Indegy has developed a solution that allows us not only to identify devices by listening, but also to proactively query them and get additional information. This information is not only valuable for security teams, but also for their colleagues, who are operating those assets.”
With its growing number of decentralized, digital and connected assets, and its large-scale energy distribution infrastructure E.ON is increasingly exposed to malicious attacks, which require a compatible protection. To address those challenges, E.ON created the Corporate Cyber Security Challenge to identify the most innovative solutions for securing critical assets in corporate information and operational technology landscapes.
Indegy is headquartered in New York with a Research and Development office in Tel Aviv, Israel. Over 30 startups applied to the E.ON Corporate Challenge and seven of them were selected to the final one-day challenge. The six other finalists were Axonius, Claroty, Cyberlnt, Preemt, ScadaFence, and XM Cyber.