65.1 F
Washington D.C.
Monday, October 14, 2024

DISA Flags Contractors’ Inappropriate Use of Government Computers

All government systems are subject to continuous monitoring and unauthorized use will be uncovered and corrective action required at the contractor’s expense.

The following open letter was issued to Defense Information Systems Agency Contractors by Douglas W. Packard, Head of Contracting Activity:

Over the past year, DISA has seen an increase in inappropriate use of GFE (e.g., computers) and inappropriate access of internet sites, accessed from both on-site and alternate worksites by contractor personnel. GFE and Government information systems shall be used to conduct official duties only; system login pages note – For U.S Government Authorized Use Only. Unauthorized use jeopardizes the mission and the security of Government systems.

Inappropriate use of computers (and other information technology devices) is in violation of DISA Form 786, DISA Statement of Information System Use and Acknowledgement of User Responsibilities, Basic User; DISA Instruction DISAI 630-225-15, Authorized Unofficial Use of Government-Provided Information Technology (IT) and Office Equipment, paragraph 6.2 (June 2018); and, DISA contracts/task orders. Examples of inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to, viewing inappropriate and/or sexually oriented material, operating a private business or participating in non-contract/task order employment activities, and gambling. Further, use of GFE or otherwise using time paid under a DISA contract/task order to complete training or academic courses (unless specifically authorized by the contract/task order) is prohibited.

All government systems are subject to continuous monitoring and unauthorized use will be uncovered and corrective action required at the contractor’s expense.

Contractors are accountable for their personnel’s actions when using GFE and when accessing Government information systems. Misuse of GFE and Government information systems entrusted to contractors and their personnel to perform official duties can subject individuals to removal of access to Government information systems and may affect security clearances. In such instances, the contractor remains accountable to meet all contract/task order performance requirements. Please take this matter seriously.

Thank you for your support to vital DISA and Department of Defense missions.

Click here to view the official letter in PDF format.

Read more at DISA

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