20.1 F
Washington D.C.
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Biden Approves Increase in Disaster Assistance for California

The federal share increased to 100% of the total eligible costs for debris removal and emergency protective measures from a series of winter storms.

FEMA announced today that President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. made additional disaster assistance available to California by authorizing an increase in the level of federal funding for emergency work undertaken as a result of severe winter storms, flooding, landslides and mudslides, beginning on Dec. 27, 2022 and continuing.

Under the President’s major disaster declaration for California issued on Jan.14, 2023, federal funding for the approved cost-share programs was made available at 75% of the total eligible costs.

Under the President’s order today, the federal share increased to 100% of the total eligible costs for debris removal and emergency protective measures, including direct federal assistance under the Public Assistance program, for 60 days from the start of the incident period.

Read more at FEMA

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