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Washington D.C.
Friday, October 11, 2024

FEMA Launches Integration Team with Oregon Emergency Managers

This week Oregon will have FEMA staff assigned to its emergency management agency. The FEMA Integration Team (FIT) will provide technical and training assistance on FEMA’s programs and continuous on-site support to the state.

While FEMA works closely with the Oregon Office of Emergency Management through its regional office in Bothell, Wash., co-locating staff is a new initiative for the agency.

“Through FIT, FEMA has an opportunity to expand our customer service and support of the state, local and tribal governments,” said Regional Administrator Mike O’Hare. “These partnerships we build every day help us as we prepare to respond to and recover from catastrophic events.”

Oregon’s FIT is composed of a hazard mitigation planner, an operational planner, an external affairs specialist and a preparedness specialist who will serve as the team lead. Together they will help provide technical support for a range of program areas including all-hazards planning, exercise design and evaluation, recovery planning, and risk assessment and analysis.

“This arrangement will allow for a more direct connection with our FEMA partners as we plan, train and exercise across the state to ensure we are well positioned to respond to incidents and continue to build a culture of preparedness in Oregon,” said Oregon Office of Emergency Management Director Andrew Phelps.

FIT is currently in Phase I, standing up 10 teams across the United States. Phase II will expand FITs to include up to 34 partners across all 10 regions. Phase III will reach full operating capability with FITs embedded in partner offices throughout the nation. Oregon is part of the Phase I rollout.

Read more at FEMA

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