Today, the Department of Defense (DOD) completed its second Department-wide financial statement audit. Seven DOD organizations are expected to receive unmodified or “clean” opinions. Two audits are still underway and are expected to be completed in January 2020.
- This is one more clean opinion than last year Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA)
- Auditors also validated that DOD resolved over 550 findings, more than 23 percent, from the Department’s fiscal year (FY) 2018 audit
The audit is doing what the Department needs it to do – expanding testing and generating new findings and recommendations. Auditors assessed the completeness and accuracy of financial data, the counts, location and condition of assets, and corrective actions implemented to address prior year findings and recommendations. The key benefits of audits come from these findings, which help us identify vulnerabilities in cybersecurity, improve inventory management, and provide better data for decision-making.
This year, we expect the DeCA to progress from a qualified opinion to an unmodified opinion. The following entities sustained their unmodified opinions: the U.S. Army Corps of Civil Engineers – Civil Works; the Military Retirement Fund (MRF); the Defense Health Agency – Contract Resource Management; the Defense Contract Audit Agency; and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service’s Working Capital Fund (DFAS WCF). These were the 24th and 19th consecutive unmodified opinions for the MRF and DFAS WCF, respectively. The Defense Information Systems Agency and DOD Office of Inspector General (IG) audits are still underway. We expect the IG to get a clean opinion again.
The FY 2019 audit demonstrates dedication in pursuing changes necessary to set the Department on an irreversible course in support of the National Defense Strategy. The DOD has made important progress since last year. For example, auditors were able to increase the depth of their audits by expanding their property testing to include asset valuation. Auditors also confirmed during the FY 2019 audit that the Department successfully closed over 550 FY 2018 audit findings. These advances occurred in a broad range of areas including information technology, property, and inventory.
During the FY 2019 audit, auditors verified the Department sustained highlights from the FY 2018 audit, including:
- No significant issues found with payment amounts made to civilian or military members,
- No evidence of fraud,
- Existence and completeness of major military equipment
The annual audit is a forceful and effective catalyst that is driving reform and innovation across the DOD. DOD audit efforts support the National Defense Strategy, reinforcing accountability to taxpayers and directly contributing to enhanced military readiness. The Department welcomes the scrutiny and transparency the audit provides. The audit enables faster insights to develop focused, sustainable solutions for the Department’s complex problems.
The DOD-wide audit report and links to component audit reports will be available at