Director Christopher Wray has named Nathan Taylor as the assistant director of the Information Technology Applications and Data Division at FBI Headquarters in Washington. Mr. Taylor most recently served as the deputy assistant director of the division.
As assistant director of ITADD, Mr. Taylor is responsible for ensuring the FBI has the applications and data services needed for its administrative, intelligence, and investigative functions, and for protecting the FBI’s cybersecurity infrastructure.
Mr. Taylor joined the FBI in 2006 as an accounting analyst in the Finance Division. He became a management and program analyst and in 2009 moved first to the front office of the Finance Division’s Budget Section, and later to the front office of the division’s Accounting Section.
In 2010, Mr. Taylor moved to the Resource Planning Office and worked on the Internal Advisory Group. The RPO manages the Bureau’s $4 billion-plus personnel budget and strategic planning processes, crafts corporate policy, and provides other organizational services. Mr. Taylor was promoted in 2011 to supervisory management and program analyst of the Internal Advisory Group.
Mr. Taylor was named unit chief of RPO’s Business Process Management Unit in 2013, managing the FBI’s enterprise workflow solution. In 2016, he was promoted to section chief of RPO’s Business Improvement Section, where he oversaw the FBI’s personnel budget and position allocation, monitored compensation and benefit costs, managed staffing levels across the Bureau, calculated the affordability of the FBI’s workforce, and recommended cost-savings strategies.
He was elevated in 2019 to deputy assistant director of the Information Technology Applications and Data Division. As deputy, Mr. Taylor promoted user-driven technology and data analytics capabilities and advanced the Bureau’s adoption of cloud services. He also helped the division absorb the internally facing cybersecurity mission in 2021.
Mr. Taylor earned his undergraduate degree from University of Mary Washington and his Master of Business Administration from the College of William and Mary.