The Department of Justice has extended the nomination deadline for the Fifth Annual Attorney General’s Award for Distinguished Service in Policing. The nomination period is now open until Monday, June 28, 2021, at 8 p.m. ET.
The Attorney General’s Award recognizes individual state, local and tribal sworn, rank-and-file police officers and deputies for exceptional efforts in community policing. The awarded officers, deputies and troopers will have demonstrated active engagement with the community in one of three areas: criminal investigations, field operations or innovations in policing.
Within each category, an award will be given to law enforcement agencies serving small, medium, and large jurisdictions. Those agency sizes are defined as: Small Agencies serving populations fewer than 50,000, Medium: Agencies serving populations 50,000 to 250,000, and Large: Agencies serving populations over 250,000.
Nominations may be submitted by the potential recipient’s supervisors, professional peers, or members of their local community. Nominations may include references and URL links to news sources and promotional or other materials that describe or substantiate the activity, program, or initiative for which the nominee(s) is being nominated.
Detailed information regarding the nomination process for this award is available here.