Cavin Webb, customer service attendant at Coast Guard Base Kodiak, is the recipient of the 2021 Frederick J. McKenney Lifetime Spirit Award. This annual award recognizes hospitality professionals who have overcome personal and professional adversity and challenges while achieving success in their respective Morale, Welfare, and Recreational (MWR) programs over the course of their career.
Webb, a prior enlisted Gunner’s Mate in the Coast Guard, knew best what his fellow Coast Guard members and their families needed in order to let off some steam during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Although it’s an incredible island, it can be a challenge to live in an isolated place like Kodiak,” said Webb. “It can be even more of a challenge when there’s a global pandemic happening.”
When COVID-19 shook daily life for Coast Guard members at Base Kodiak, Webb sought creative avenues and technologies to keep the base gym sanitary and open for members.
“I knew that the base gym was an important facility to keep open during such a challenging time,” said Webb. “Keeping the gym operational to me meant allowing our service members to maintain a healthy lifestyle physically and mentally and get out their frustrations with what was happening in their daily lives due to the pandemic.”
Webb did extensive research on the Halo Fogging System (HFS) and purchased one to use at the gym. Once installed and staged in the appropriate areas, the HFS fogged the open spaces in the gym for thirty minutes. After successfully fogging the potentially contaminated areas, the HFS disinfectant solution required a two-hour buffer to cleanse the area and settle before members could safely workout.
After a successful installation and trial of the HFS was completed, Webb sought out personnel to monitor and refill the technology.
“I created a schedule for base gym employees to check on the HFS and make sure people waited the required two hours before entering the gym,” said Webb. “Once the schedule was posted and people were rotating in and out of their shifts, we were rockin’ and rollin’ and people were getting their workouts in.”
Not only did Webb keep the gym operational during a challenging time, but he also helped create and maintain a positive and healthy work environment for his coworkers.
“It was great to have someone with his experience as a prior Coast Guardsman who could relate to the active duty customers and their spouses,” said James Willis, MWR staff member. “Overall, Cavin is a very friendly person with a lot of great stories and knowledge. He has an awesome attitude about life and I was thankful to work alongside him during the pandemic.”
Thanks to Webb and his solution, members were able to utilize the gym during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I’m really grateful to receive this award,” said Webb. “It came as a huge surprise. Nothing made me happier than to see the smiling faces entering and exiting the gym.”
As the pandemic settled and cases dwindled, Webb’s natural instinct to help and aid others didn’t stop.
“Cavin is always ready to assist new personnel who arrive at Coast Guard Base Kodiak,” said Willis. “Whether it’s giving a tour of base facilities, or driving members to the grocery store in town, he’s the first person to jump at the opportunity to help.”
“It’s great that things are getting back to normal and I’m able to be more involved with the Coast Guard community once again,” said Webb. “I’m really appreciative for this award and I look forward to helping the next group of Coasties that come to Base Kodiak.”