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Washington D.C.
Saturday, February 15, 2025

Coast Guard Cutter Returns to Kodiak from Bering Sea Patrol

The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley returned to homeport on Tuesday, following a 52-day Bering Sea patrol.

While deployed, the crew of the Alex Haley provided search and rescue capability to the fisheries in the Bering Sea. Their embarked MH-65 helicopter crew from Air Station Kodiak conducted a search and rescue mission in the coastal town of Akutan. The aircrew transported a severely injured resident to a higher level of medical care.

The crew also maintained a law enforcement presence throughout the Aleutian chain. They conducted 17 law enforcement boardings, ensured compliance with maritime laws and regulations, and protected the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone by patrolling the maritime boundary line to prevent the illegal harvesting of U.S. fish stocks.

“Assuming the duties as commanding officer of Alex Haley during a patrol afforded me the opportunity to learn a great deal about the ship and its crew,” said Cmdr. Brian Whisler commanding officer of the Alex Haley. “While such a significant transition can prove challenging, the crew continually maintained impressive work ethic and professionalism in the execution of our primary missions. Their dedication to the people and communities we serve proves Alex Haley crew members is a vital asset in the Bering Sea region.”

The Alex Haley is a 282-foot Medium Endurance Cutter that has been homeported in Kodiak since 1999. The crew routinely operate throughout the Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, and Pacific Ocean. The cutter’s ability to operate in extreme weather conditions provides the mission flexibility necessary to perform search and rescue, fisheries law enforcement, and vessel safety inspections across Alaska.

Read more at USCG

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