28.3 F
Washington D.C.
Thursday, January 23, 2025

Coast Guard Publishes Prohibited Vessel List

The Coast Guard has announced the availability of a list of vessels that are currently prohibited from entering the United States.

The announcement in the Federal Register stated that the list, which has been developed by the State Department, will be available on the Coast Guard National Vessel Movement Center.

“The Ports and Waterways Safety Act, as amended by the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) generally prohibits the entry of vessels on this list, and generally prohibits the entry of vessels registered to a Flag State that retains in its registry a vessel identified on this list 180 days after the most recent publication,” the notice states. “The CAATSA amendment also generally prohibits such vessels from transferring cargo in any port or place under the jurisdiction of the United States.”

The list will be updated by the U.S. Coast Guard periodically, and any questions should be directed to the Coast Guard’s Foreign and Offshore Vessel Compliance Division.

Homeland Security Today
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