The incumbent Gold Ancient Mariner, Capt. Patrick Culver, is scheduled to retire during summer 2023. The selection process to identify his successor is underway.
The Ancient Mariner Award was established in 1978 to honor those who have chosen to accept the responsibilities of a cutterman and follow the path of service at sea. This award not only recognizes seagoing longevity but also extols the officer and enlisted cutterman whose personal character and performance standards honor the most venerable practitioners of seamanship and reflect the U.S. Coast Guard’s Core Values.
Any officer who was designated a permanent cutterman prior to June 25, 1999, has 10 years cumulative sea duty, has at least 5 years cumulative sea duty as a commissioned officer and, if selected, would remain on active duty for at least one year after award should contact COMDT (CG-751) by 03 MAR 2023. Complete selection policies and award procedures can be found in REF (A).
An appropriate relief ceremony will be hosted at a location designated by the incumbent to recognize the transfer of this award. The ceremony will be conducted on or immediately prior to the incumbent’s official retirement date.