The National Merchant Mariner Medical Advisory Committee will meet via teleconference to discuss matters relating to medical certification determinations for issuance of licenses, certificates of registry, and merchant mariners’ documents, medical standards and guidelines for the physical qualifications of operators of commercial vessels, medical examiner education, and medical research. The meeting will be open to the public.
Meeting: The National Merchant Mariner Medical Advisory Committee will meet by teleconference on Monday, April 19, 2021, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. (EDT). The teleconference may adjourn early if the Committee has completed its business.
Comments and supporting documentation: To ensure your comments are received by Committee members before the teleconference, submit your written comments no later than April 12, 2021.
To join the teleconference or to request special accommodations, email or phone the below contact no later than 1 p.m. on April 12, 2021, to obtain the needed information. The number of teleconference lines are limited and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
For further information contact Mr. David Belliveau, Alternate Designated Federal Officer of the National Merchant Mariner Medical Advisory Committee, telephone 202-372-1208 or email [email protected].
Full meeting details may be viewed under docket number USCG-2021-0187 on