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Washington D.C.
Monday, January 20, 2025

Navy Leaders Begin to Acknowledge Mistakes as Investigations into Carrier Suicides Expand

Sailors have described the conditions on board to Military.com as including incessant, overbearing construction sounds.

In their first public comments since the publication of news about a string of suicides aboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington, Navy leadership is acknowledging missteps and ordering investigations into the climate aboard ships undergoing repair in shipyards.

Rear Adm. John Meier, commander of Naval Air Force Atlantic, told reporters Tuesday, “If I knew then what I know today, I think we would have clearly delayed crew move aboard,” referencing the decision to have hundreds of sailors live on the ship while it was still undergoing major maintenance in Newport News, Virginia.

Sailors have described the conditions on board to Military.com as including incessant, overbearing construction sounds, punctuated by power, ventilation and hot water outages, and a commute that involves driving to offsite parking, shuttle buses and long walks. Meier said that he is aware of some sailors who spent more than three hours a day just commuting.

Read more at Military.com

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