Bravatek Solutions, Inc. announced Feb. 28 through HSToday that it has received a detailed report from its partner, Zoono that the third-party, independent laboratory tests undertaken against COVID-19 showed that Zoono’s Z-71 Microbe Shield (the same Zoono technology used in Zoono hand sanitizer) is >99.99 percent effective against COVID-19. The product sanitizes and kills the virus.
Bravatek has begun providing samples of the product, as well as rigorous test and evaluation results, to both government agencies for review, as agreed in meetings with both U.S. and international government officials. In addition, Bravatek is working diligently to accelerate EPA registration of Section 18 of FIFRA ( for Z-71.
It’s well known that COVID-19 has become a global concern, as it has been shown to survive on surfaces for up to nine days. Teams at both Zoono and Bravatek are working feverishly to handle sales calls and inquiries from CEOs and other executives literally around the globe.
Bravatek will continue to update its shareholders and the public on all of our activities.
Independent Tests Conclude Zoono Microbe Shield Sanitizes and Kills COVID-19