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Washington D.C.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

‘Blood and Concrete’: New Anthology Released on Urban Operations/Combat in Megacities

Our colleagues at Small Wars Journal have published an anthology on urban warfare and urban operation in urban areas and megacities: Blood and Concrete: 21st Century Conflict in Urban Centers and Megacities.

The anthology documents over a decade of writing on urban conflict. The editors, Dave Dilegge, Robert J. Bunker, John P. Sullivan, and Alma Keshavarz, assembled a varied collection of 49 articles from the Small Wars Journal archive. The articles cover a range of urban warfare and urban operation topics for military operations in urban settings. Special attention is devoted to future operations in megacities, civil-military interface, urban siege and urban terrorism.

In addition to archival content, the volume contains an introduction by the editors, a preface on “Blood and Concrete” by David Kilcullen, a foreword “Urban Warfare Studies” by John Spencer, a postscript “Cities in the Crossfire: The Rise of Urban Violence” by Margarita Konaev, and an afterword “Urban Operations: Meeting Challenges, Seizing Opportunities, Improving the Approach” by Russell W. Glenn. These contributions by leading scholars and practitioners continue the legacy of Small Wars Journal’s coverage of urban operations, conflict and combat while preparing the way to negotiate future urban conflict in megacities and beyond. The anthology is a valuable resource for military, intelligence, humanitarian, academic researchers, and homeland security planners and practitioners.

The book is available at Amazon.com – Blood and Concrete:  21st Century Conflict in Urban Centers and Megacities.

Homeland Security Today
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