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Washington D.C.
Monday, January 20, 2025

DHS to Update Cybersecurity Sharing Tool

DHS is updating before fall its system for automatically sharing cybersecurity threat information with industry and federal agencies.

Jeanette Manfra, assistant secretary in DHS’s Office of Cybersecurity and Communications, told US Telecom’s cybersecurity forum that more than 200 organizations receive the indicators from the agencies but most of them aren’t using them to block malicious information.

Manfra told the forum that organizations say this is because the indicators don’t contain enough information to be able to tell what is really relevant. “It’s not really getting us to that next level of automated defense,” she said.

Manfra went on to say that DHS intends to overhaul the AIS portal to include the facility for organizations to provide feedback on what they are doing with the indicators and how useful they are.

The automated indicator sharing tool was launched in 2016, and its list of recipients include all major federal agencies.

Manfra also told the forum that the update will come around the same time as changes to the technical standards that define how cyber threat information is shared by government agencies and other organizations.

Homeland Security Today
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