FEMA is announcing $1,737,750 in grant funding to reimburse the city of Boynton Beach for upgrades to stormwater infrastructure to mitigate flood risk.
This project will improve existing stormwater collection, conveyance and retention systems. Additionally, the project will install new stormwater infrastructure on many streets.
FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program provides funding to state, local, territorial and tribal governments so they can rebuild in a way that reduces, or mitigates, future disaster losses in their communities.
Applicants work with FEMA to develop projects and scopes of work. FEMA obligates funding for projects to the Florida Division of Emergency Management after final approval. Once a project is obligated, FDEM works closely with applicants to complete the grant process and begin making payments. FDEM has procedures in place designed to ensure grant funding is provided to local communities as quickly as possible.