Homeland Security Today thanks a special group of readers for their support of our operations during the COVID-19 crisis. Given a portion of our operating funds come from events, and that Congress intentionally excluded 501 (c)(6) organizations from relief, we asked readers to donate to help us continue to provide our services for free to the benefit of the homeland security community. All deserve a special shout out on behalf of those who read HSToday, participate in our webinars, and share their news to build our thriving community.
BENEFACTORS (Donations of $500)
Patty Todaro Bolin
Francis Taylor
ADVOCATES (Donations of $250)
William Carroll
Oksana Fiedler
Tricia Fitzmaurice
Brian Haney
Judith Harroun-Lord
FRIENDS (Donations of $100)
Paul Cobaugh
Steven Cooper Debbie Dowling Sophia Edwards Mark Emery Leslie Hubbard-Darr Elaine Kapetanakis Olen Martin
Carolyn Muir
Kyle Olson Eileen Parise James Paules Sandy Peavy Adrian Rich Arthur Seward – EL Paul Simpson
Kenneth Susskind
Stephanie Travers Tony Urreta Nuri Vitiello Beth Wade Caryn Wagner Robert Yandow