The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) invites you to join us on Tuesday, February 1 at 2 p.m. ET for the LRBAA Today: Explosives Detection webinar. S&T’s Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (LRBAA) is a standing, open invitation to the scientific and technical communities to submit proposals for topics that address priority homeland security needs.
This is an excellent opportunity for innovators and industry to learn more about current research and development efforts specific to two LRBAA Explosives Detection topics specifically the Small Bulk Confirmatory Capabilities Through Barriers and Enhanced Contact and Non-Contact Trace Explosives Sampling and Detection topics. During this webinar, you’ll learn about the technologies DHS S&T is seeking to develop advanced explosives trace detection equipment to detect and identify hazardous materials contained or obscured by a non-metallic barrier (i.e. vials/bottles/packages), or those found in cargo, baggage, or personnel screening at security checkpoints and in air transport environments. Join us to hear more on these topics and learn how to use the LRBAA program to work with S&T!
Visit the LRBAA Today event page to learn more about the webinar series and to see past videos. If you would like to receive information on LRBAA news and events, sign-up for our mailing list by visiting
For specific questions or information, email [email protected].