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Washington D.C.
Sunday, November 10, 2024

DARPA to Hold Advanced Sources for Single-Event Effect Radiation Testing (ASSERT) Proposers Day

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) will host a Proposers Day in support of the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) HR001123S0047, Advanced Sources for Single-event Radiation Testing (ASSERT) program on July 13, 2023 at the DARPA Conference Center, 675 N Randolph St., Arlington, VA 22203, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to provide information on the ASSERT program, promote additional discussion on this topic, address questions from potential proposers, and provide an opportunity for potential proposers to share their capabilities and ideas for teaming arrangements. DARPA anticipates releasing the ASSERT BAA HR001123S0047 prior to Proposers Day. If released, the BAA will be made available at https://sam.gov/.

The goals of the Proposers Day are: (1) To introduce the science and technology community (industry, academia, and government) to the ASSERT program vision and goals; (2) To facilitate interaction between researchers with capabilities and interests relevant to the ASSERT program goals; (3) To collect questions during the event that DARPA may answer and make available in a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document maintained at https://www.darpa.mil/work-withus/opportunities; and (4) To encourage and promote teaming arrangements among organizations that have the relevant expertise, research facilities, and capabilities for executing research and development responsive to the ASSERT program goals.

The Proposers Day will include overview presentations by government personnel and opportunities for team building among the participants. A recording of the Proposers Day and materials will be posted online at www.darpa.mil/work-with-us/opportunities. This meeting will be held at the UNCLASSIFIED level.

The objective of the ASSERT program is to develop capabilities for single-event effects (SEE) testing of next-generation electronics. Specific program goals include:

  • Beams for SEE testing that simultaneously achieve long range (5 mm) and high linear energy transfer (100 MeVcm2 /mg) in silicon while penetrating packaging and metallization
  • Beam optics to achieve spot diameters that replicate the narrow charge track of a heavy ion (<0.2 m) while also enabling large-area scanning
  • Sources that accurately predict the heavy-ion response across a range of electronic components
  • Sources that are compact and cost-effective to enable implementation in laboratory and industrial settings where they can become incorporated into the development process

Registration in advance is required to attend the event in-person. The registration deadline is 4 p.m. ET on July 7, 2023, or once attendance capacity is met, whichever comes first. Registration is limited by the venue capacity (maximum of 120 attendees) and early registration is strongly recommended. Organizations may be limited to a maximum number of attendees. The determination of what constitutes an organization will be made by the DARPA Program Manager. Registration may close prior to the registration deadline due to the venue capacity being met. As a result, if any change to the registration deadline is made, the update will be captured in an update to the registration website. There will be no on‐site registration.

DARPA hosts Proposer Days to promote teaming arrangements between researchers; provide potential performers with information on whether and how they might respond to the Government’s research and development solicitations; and to increase efficiency in proposal preparation and evaluation. Therefore, Proposer Days are open only to registered potential proposers. The event is closed to the general public and media.

A completed DARPA Form 104, “DARPA Conference Center Visitor Requirements for Unclassified Meetings” must be completed by all attendees by the registration deadline. Completing the registration satisfies this requirement.

Additionally, all registrants for the meeting who are not U.S. Citizens must complete and submit one of the following:

  • All U.S. Permanent Residents and Foreign Nationals must submit a DARPA Form 60 “Foreign National Visit Request.” Upon completing registration, all Foreign Nationals will be automatically redirected to the eForm 60. The form can also be accessed via the following link: https://dtsn.darpa.mil/eform60/.
  • Foreign government personnel who must submit only an Official Visit Request completed by their respective Embassy based in Washington, DC. A

All forms must be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on July 7, 2023.

Read more at SAM.gov

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