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Washington D.C.
Friday, January 17, 2025

Coast Guard, Navy Conduct Joint Agency Oil Pollution Response Exercise

Coast Guard and Navy personnel conducted a joint agency oil pollution response exercise Monday through Thursday this week in Kachemak Bay, Alaska.

During the exercise, participants deployed a Navy current buster system (CBS) from Coast Guard Cutter Hickory.

The CBS is the latest technology available for oil recovery in an offshore environment in response to an oil discharge. To learn more about the CBS visit: https://www.nofi.no/en/oilspill/nofi-current-buster-teknologi

The exercise is a part of the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) required under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990.

“The Coast Guard routinely trains alongside federal, state, tribal, and local partners to build capabilities and improve readiness levels,” said Lt. Andrew Sinclair, 17th District response advisory team. “Training and exercises are important components of the nation’s homeland security strategy and response capabilities that enable emergency responders to maintain their proficiency.”

Read more at USCG

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