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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

TSA Issues Update on Wait Times and Shutdown ‘Sick-Out’

TSA released a statement today to provide some context and data around the purported “sick-out” and wait times at the nation’s airports. Nationwide, the Transportation Security Administration screened 1.8 million passengers Tuesday. Overall, 99.9 percent of passengers waited fewer than 30 minutes and 94.8 percent of passengers waited fewer than 15 minutes. In TSA Pre✓® lanes, passengers on average waited fewer than 10 minutes. Please refer to the table below for top airport specific wait times.

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Tuesday’s complete figures show that TSA experienced a national rate of 7.4 percent of unscheduled absences compared to a 3.2 percent rate one year ago on Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2018; many employees are reporting that they are not able to report to work due to financial limitations.

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While national average wait times are within normal TSA times of 30 minutes for standard lanes and 10 minutes for TSA Pre✓®, some airports experienced longer than usual wait times. Below are yesterday’s maximum wait times experienced by passengers in standard and TSA Pre✓® lanes at the top 42 U.S. airports.

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Wait times at top airports for Jan. 22

Wait times at top airports for Jan. 22

In coordination with airport and airline partners, TSA continues to carry out its mission by optimizing resources, managing consolidation efforts, and ensuring screening lanes are properly staffed. Security will never be compromised. Airports may exercise contingency plans due to call-outs and traveler volume in order to maintain effective security standards. Travelers should seek current airline and airport information and should allow enough time to get through the airport and board their flight.

Every day, TSA officers continue to demonstrate great resilience and dedication as they report for duty, ensuring travelers get to their destinations safely. Public support from passengers, industry groups, and community organizations underscores the importance of TSA’s work in securing aviation.

Homeland Security Today
Homeland Security Todayhttp://www.hstoday.us
The Government Technology & Services Coalition's Homeland Security Today (HSToday) is the premier news and information resource for the homeland security community, dedicated to elevating the discussions and insights that can support a safe and secure nation. A non-profit magazine and media platform, HSToday provides readers with the whole story, placing facts and comments in context to inform debate and drive realistic solutions to some of the nation’s most vexing security challenges.

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