Bryan Myers, a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Evidence Response Team member and Supervisory Administrative Specialist who responded to the 9/11 attack in New York, has passed from his related illnesses.
Bryan’s dedicated service to the FBI began in March, 1992, starting as a night shift mail and file clerk before working his way to becoming an Investigative Operations Analyst. His father, Clay, was also a long-serving member of the FBI and his mother worked for the Bureau before Bryan was born.
Bryan worked with the Evidence Response Team in Mobile, Alabama, throughout his career. He investigated serial murder cases, including Israel Keyes and Jeremy Jones. He also served as the coordinator for Mobile’s Employee Assistance Program and was always available to provide support and lend an ear to employees who needed it.
He was a graduate of Murphy High School and the University of South Alabama. Bryan was a member of Christ United Methodist Church.
Remembering Bryan, FBI Director Christopher Wray said he had a relentless drive to find out what happened and volunteered for every temporary duty assignment that came up. “He loved our mission. He loved our people. He loved getting his hands dirty, and he loved the process of investigating and digging, problem solving, and finding facts and evidence in search of the truth,” Wray said. “That might mean digging through a landfill in Vermont, sifting through evidence of mail bombs in Texas, or sorting through rubble and debris from the 9/11 attacks that had been hauled from Manhattan and dumped on Staten Island—looking for human remains, personal effects, or anything that might help us identify those who’d been lost in those terrorist attacks.”
Wray said that the FBI has determined exposure from that painstaking work on Staten Island eventually led to Bryan’s death.
“Each May, we hold a ceremony to honor those whose names are on our Wall of Honor,” Wray said. “We will be putting Bryan’s name on the wall, and everyone in the Bureau will know why it’s there. Because Bryan—without hesitation, without reservation—answered the call to service.”