Good morning. The Committee on homeland security sub-committee on emergency management and technology will come to order without objection. The sub-committee may recess at any point. The purpose of this hearing is to examine disaster mitigation, preparedness response and recovery in coastal communities. I thank Southern University at New Orleans and ranking member Carter for hosting the sub-committee today.
I recognize myself for an opening statement. I first want to begin by thanking our witnesses for participating in this hearing. Today. I look forward to hearing more about your work to help communities prepare for respond to and recover from natural disasters and other events that impact coastal communities. Thank you for your decision to work in this field as a retired NYPD detective and former chief of the Island Park Fire Department.
I know that working in emergency management isn’t always glamorous and it’s often a thankless job. But I want to tell you that your work and our work does matter. Thank you for serving and for being on the front lines in people’s greatest times of need.
Read the rest of the story at C-Span, here.