21.1 F
Washington D.C.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

GAO to Release Landmark AI Report

The report provides a baseline for the use of artificial intelligence across major non-defense federal agencies and how they are meeting existing requirements.

The Government Accountability Office will publish a first-of-its-kind report on Tuesday reviewing federal agencies’ artificial intelligence inventories, which collectively total more than 1,000 current or planned AI use cases across the federal ranks.

The two-part report — in the works for more than a year — will provide both a snapshot in time for agencies’ AI use and a review of how well agencies are meeting specific requirements related to AI.

“This is setting the stage for where AI is in the federal government,” Kevin Walsh, director of IT and cybersecurity at GAO, told Nextgov/FCW. “The other big takeaway — one of the people I work with makes this great analogy to an AI-driven car. AI is driving the car whether we want it to or not. Is somebody going to take the wheel and put some guardrails around this thing, or is it going to keep doing what it wants?”

Read the rest of the story at Nextgov/FCW, here.

Homeland Security Today
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