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PERSPECTIVE: INSA Framework for Assessing Insider Threat Techniques

Organizations confronting malicious, negligent and unintentional threats from their trusted insiders must make important policy, structural and procedural decisions as they stand up programs to mitigate these burgeoning threats. On top of that, they must choose from a bewildering array of insider threat detection and prevention solutions.

To help demystify the latter, the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) recently published a framework for organizing and evaluating a broad range of data analytics techniques currently deployed in insider threat programs. INSA’s An Assessment of Data Analytics Techniques for Insider Threat Programs is intended to be used by insider threat program managers as they consider the optimal combination of techniques for their programs’ specific requirements, implementation timing and resource constraints. INSA’s assessment is deliberately agnostic regarding specific solutions; the nonprofit forum does not seek to endorse any particular product or tool developer.

INSA’s framework methodology consists of two primary dimensions: 1) Whether a technique is descriptive or predictive; and 2) Whether a technique is traceable, or a “black box.” Descriptive techniques, such as rules-based engines, answer the question of “what has happened,” whereas predictive techniques, such as machine learning, try to determine “what could happen.” Some techniques are traceable — meaning that an auditor can map exactly how a risk has been calculated — and some techniques are more opaque (aka black box), meaning that the calculation is not easily traceable.

Once INSA organized the many data analytics techniques into these dimensions, it took the further step of ensuring that there were no overlapping techniques (e.g., subsets or variations) or major categories that were missing. This step was the most challenging, because techniques are continuously evolving and mutating.

Analytic Approaches

INSA determined that there are six major categories of analytics techniques: rules-based systems, correlation and regression statistics, Bayesian inference networks, machine learning (supervised), machine learning (unsupervised), and cognitive/neural networks/deep learning.

Rules-Based Systems: These are commonly used in insider threat programs to flag persons who may have exceeded a threshold, as determined by policy or risk indicator. Rules-based systems are generally binary: you either exceed a threshold or you don’t. Once a person is flagged, that flag is then assessed (often using other rules). For example, a person past due on debt by over 90 days will be flagged and evaluated in combination with other flags such as, say, a DUI. Rules-based systems are used extensively to help inform insider threat analysts of what they should focus on.

As the INSA report states: “Rules-based systems are relatively easy to understand and defend, and can be built to represent expert judgment on simple or complicated subjects. Cause and effect triggers are transparent — there is no ‘black box.’ Even though the if-then reasoning can become complex, a domain expert can verify the rule base and make adjustments when necessary.”

However, these systems have obvious challenges. Rules reflect policy information, such as what constitutes a negative event, and thus must be changed frequently to reflect policy changes. As more rules are added, the system becomes more complex and less scalable. Thus, the most effective systems use aggregations of rules, but these will still not necessarily assess “risk”; instead, they just provide alerts based on the information they are given.

Like machine learning, data is of primary importance to rules-based systems. Such a system does not handle incomplete information very well, and data that does not relate to a rule will often be disregarded — or perhaps not even detected in the first place. This means that rules-based systems don’t detect things that aren’t already coded into the system. These systems generate a lot of false positives and miss a lot of potential threats.

Correlation and Regression Statistics: These techniques can help address gaps in rules-based systems; they essentially look at how strongly variables relate to each other. For example, if a person is flagged for financial issues and then also has a DUI, can we find any correlation between these two events? Is there a strong or weak correlation between the two, and why? Simple statistical tools can help us find patterns and, with enough data, produce some interesting insights.

However, correlations often do not show “cause and effect.” There may be a strong relationship between a DUI and financial problems, but more analysis is needed to find out why that may be the case and whether the DUI is impacting financial issues, or the other way around.

Finally, correlations may leave out unknown variables that also have a strong impact. We can see that DUIs and financial problems are strongly correlated, but what if the most important driver of the DUI trend is something else? If we added that variable in, and saw a very close correlation between the two, then suddenly financial issues may not be that important after all.

Bayesian Inference: The INSA paper describes Bayesian inference networks quite thoroughly: “A Bayesian network is a statistical model for reasoning about complex problem domains. Bayesian networks provide a way to make inferences even when evidence is missing, incomplete or inconsistent. Note that the inference results will depend on the strength, completeness and consistency of the evidence; strong consistent evidence will yield a strong Bayesian network inference, giving a clear answer. If evidence is sparse, weak or inconsistent, the Bayesian network will reflect the uncertainty inherent in the knowledge base. For example, if a subject’s spouse’s income is unknown, a comparison of known household debt levels to total household income will yield uncertain results. A Bayesian model can identify and quantify the uncertainty present in the resulting analysis.”

The key phrase above is “if evidence is sparse, weak or inconsistent, the Bayesian network will reflect the uncertainty inherent in the knowledge base.” Unlike correlations, Bayesian inference allows us to show uncertainties around lack of knowledge about the problem domain. Financial issues and DUIs may have a strong correlation, but a Bayesian inference network (aka model) may show it as weak, given that we don’t have enough information about other aspects of the insider threat problem set — such as a person’s external behaviors that might contribute to either of these problems.

INSA found that building a Bayesian network around the insider threat problem domain is good way of providing a holistic, baseline view of what is truly important to know for detection of insiders. Such a model-first approach is not subject to limitations of a “data-first” approach — in which the data accessed is the data used, and there is a lack of context that could have come from viewing the problem holistically.

Furthermore, Bayesian networks are transparent; analysts and decision-makers can trace the logic to determine how a risk score was calculated.

The biggest challenge with Bayesian inference is it can be time-consuming to build a useful model. Bayesian networks also have limitations around detecting true anomalous behaviors, which machine learning is able to accomplish. Thus, a Bayesian/machine-learning combination approach is one of the most powerful solutions for a comprehensive insider threat program.

Machine Learning: Machine learning is essentially learning from data. There are two types of machine learning: “supervised” and “unsupervised.” With supervised machine learning, an analyst will “train” a model by providing “labeled” data so that the model knows what output to expect. For example, the analyst will “train” the system to know what is “spam” and what is “not spam.” The analyst will feed labeled examples of each into the model and test it on new or unseen data. In this way it “learns,” and is able to identify new examples of spam based on the patterns it has been given. The majority of machine learning-based models are trained via supervised learning.

Training a model to draw inference from data without any labeled input is called “unsupervised learning.” The most common kind of unsupervised machine learning is “clustering,” in which defined groups of similar things are clustered together to determine anomalies.

As the INSA paper concludes: “Machine learning’s ability to cope with massive quantities of data is offset by the fact that it is entirely dependent on data, and thus is unable to offer solutions in cases where data is scarce.”

Cognitive/Neural Networks/Deep Learning. Essentially, this technique is a set of algorithms, modeled loosely after the human brain, that are designed to recognize patterns. This technique is generally what today we consider artificial intelligence (AI) — the ability to do some things very well but not able (yet) to do lots of things well in a generalized way, like most humans.

As INSA states in its paper: “Unlike traditional programmable systems that are deterministic and thrive in structured data, cognitive systems are probabilistic and thrive in unstructured data while also reasoning and offering hypothesis based on their behavioral models.”

This technique is commonly used in tasks like natural language processing, emotion detection, event detection and behavioral analysis. It is also heavily dependent upon data.


INSA’s conclusion is that the best programs often use combinations of the above-described techniques. As an example, probabilistic models can be usefully enhanced with rules-based triggers and machine learning algorithms that detect anomalies.

INSA provides the following recommendations to insider threat program managers:

  1. Program managers (PMs) should integrate data analytics into the risk management methodology they use to rationalize decision-making. Without question, the methodical analysis of available data can help organizations better identify, weigh and assess the factors that raise the likelihood a trusted insider will act maliciously.
  2. PMs should consider the specific analytic techniques explored in the INSA paper and assess which techniques are likely to be most effective given the available data, their organizational culture and their levels of risk tolerance. They should assess different combinations of techniques, as the availability of data may make some combinations more effective than others at identifying and calculating risk.
  3. Once PMs have decided on an analytic approach, they should evaluate the myriad software tools available that most effectively evaluate data using the preferred approach.
  4. PMs should assess the human and financial resources needed to launch a data analytics program, including the expense of software tools, the training and time needed to structure data and apply tools and a clear definition of the skills program staff need to develop, maintain and execute a data analytics initiative over time. As with any technology, changes to technical capability, data availability and legal constraints occur rapidly and significantly change the usefulness of individual analytic methodologies and software tools.


The views expressed here are the writer’s and are not necessarily endorsed by Homeland Security Today, which welcomes a broad range of viewpoints in support of securing our homeland. To submit a piece for consideration, email [email protected]. Our editorial guidelines can be found here.

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Tom O'Connor
Special Agent (SA) Thomas O’Connor entered on duty with the FBI in 1997. SA O’Connor was assigned to work in the Washington Field Office on the Joint Terrorism Task Force. During this time SA O’Connor worked both International and Domestic Terrorism cases. Prior to entering on duty with the FBI, SA O’Connor was a Police Officer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. SA O’Connor worked for 15 years as a Municipal Officer leaving for the FBI at the rank of Detective Sergeant. As a Police Officer, SA O’Connor specialized in narcotics and violent gang investigations. During a 23-year career with the FBI, SA O’Connor coordinated investigations related to violent criminal actions by Domestic Extremist. SA O’Connor specialized in white supremacist threats and violence. SA O’Connor was the case Agent for numerous incidents including the shootings at the US Pentagon security entrance and the Family Research Council in Washington DC. SA O’Connor became a subject matter expert related to Domestic Extremist threats and traveled extensively training law enforcement and civic groups on these emerging threats. SA O’Connor served as a Team Leader on the Washington Field Office, Evidence Response Team (WFO ERT). In this capacity, SA O’Connor led forensic teams to multiple terrorist attacks around the globe. These deployments include the 1998 Nairobi Embassy bombing, 2 deployments to Kosovo in 1999 for war crimes investigations, 2000 USS Cole attack in Aden Yemen, SA O’Connor was a coordinator for evidence collection at the 9-11 attack on the US Pentagon, the 2002 N17 bombing in Athens Greece, 2006 attack on the US Consulate in Karachi Pakistan, 6 deployments to Iraq and 3 deployments to Afghanistan. SA O’Connor led the crime scene and evidence recovery for the “Blackwater shooting” in Baghdad Iraq. SA O’Connor worked at the crime scenes of both the 2018 Tree of life Synagogue shooting and the 2019 Virginia Beach government building shootings. During his career on the WFO ERT SA O’Connor specialized in Post Blast Investigation and shooting reconstruction evidence recovery. In 2005 SA O’Connor was assigned to a forward operating based in Iraq to investigate hostage takings. During this deployment SA O’Connor was involved in the rescue of US Citizen Roy Hallums who had been held by extremists for 311 days. SA O’Connor has provided instruction on both Domestic and International Terrorism issues across the United States and overseas. In 2004, SA O’Connor was awarded the Department of Justice “Instructor of the Year” award and was named as an FBI “Master Police Instructor” in 2010. SA O’Connor was certified as an Adjunct Faculty member for the FBI Academy. SA O’Connor is a 2011 graduate of the George C. Marshall, European Center for Security Studies, Program on Terrorism and Security Studies in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany where he continues to instruct as an adjunct professor. SA O’Connor was elected by his peers to the serve on the FBI Agents Associations (FBIAA) National Executive Board for three years, as the Vice President for seven years and President for 3 years, retiring from the FBI on September 11, 2019. This date was chosen to honor the FBI Agents who had passed due to the 9-11 attack and the illnesses related to that terrorist attack. SA O’Connor is currently the Principal Consultant at FedSquared Consulting, providing instruction and consultation on a variety of Counterterrorism topics to both Government and private sector clients. SA O’Connor’s Law Enforcement career has been chronicled in numerous books including Tracy Kidders 1997 “Home Town”, Patrick Creed and Richard Newman’s “Firefight, the battle to save the Pentagon on 9-11”, Kirk Lippold’s “Front Burner” the story of the attack on the USS Cole, Roy Hallums’s “Buried Alive” the story of a hostage rescue after 311 days of captivity, and David Rohde’s “In Deep: The FBI, the CIA and the Truth about America’s Deep State”.
Tom O'Connor
Tom O'Connor
Special Agent (SA) Thomas O’Connor entered on duty with the FBI in 1997. SA O’Connor was assigned to work in the Washington Field Office on the Joint Terrorism Task Force. During this time SA O’Connor worked both International and Domestic Terrorism cases. Prior to entering on duty with the FBI, SA O’Connor was a Police Officer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. SA O’Connor worked for 15 years as a Municipal Officer leaving for the FBI at the rank of Detective Sergeant. As a Police Officer, SA O’Connor specialized in narcotics and violent gang investigations. During a 23-year career with the FBI, SA O’Connor coordinated investigations related to violent criminal actions by Domestic Extremist. SA O’Connor specialized in white supremacist threats and violence. SA O’Connor was the case Agent for numerous incidents including the shootings at the US Pentagon security entrance and the Family Research Council in Washington DC. SA O’Connor became a subject matter expert related to Domestic Extremist threats and traveled extensively training law enforcement and civic groups on these emerging threats. SA O’Connor served as a Team Leader on the Washington Field Office, Evidence Response Team (WFO ERT). In this capacity, SA O’Connor led forensic teams to multiple terrorist attacks around the globe. These deployments include the 1998 Nairobi Embassy bombing, 2 deployments to Kosovo in 1999 for war crimes investigations, 2000 USS Cole attack in Aden Yemen, SA O’Connor was a coordinator for evidence collection at the 9-11 attack on the US Pentagon, the 2002 N17 bombing in Athens Greece, 2006 attack on the US Consulate in Karachi Pakistan, 6 deployments to Iraq and 3 deployments to Afghanistan. SA O’Connor led the crime scene and evidence recovery for the “Blackwater shooting” in Baghdad Iraq. SA O’Connor worked at the crime scenes of both the 2018 Tree of life Synagogue shooting and the 2019 Virginia Beach government building shootings. During his career on the WFO ERT SA O’Connor specialized in Post Blast Investigation and shooting reconstruction evidence recovery. In 2005 SA O’Connor was assigned to a forward operating based in Iraq to investigate hostage takings. During this deployment SA O’Connor was involved in the rescue of US Citizen Roy Hallums who had been held by extremists for 311 days. SA O’Connor has provided instruction on both Domestic and International Terrorism issues across the United States and overseas. In 2004, SA O’Connor was awarded the Department of Justice “Instructor of the Year” award and was named as an FBI “Master Police Instructor” in 2010. SA O’Connor was certified as an Adjunct Faculty member for the FBI Academy. SA O’Connor is a 2011 graduate of the George C. Marshall, European Center for Security Studies, Program on Terrorism and Security Studies in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany where he continues to instruct as an adjunct professor. SA O’Connor was elected by his peers to the serve on the FBI Agents Associations (FBIAA) National Executive Board for three years, as the Vice President for seven years and President for 3 years, retiring from the FBI on September 11, 2019. This date was chosen to honor the FBI Agents who had passed due to the 9-11 attack and the illnesses related to that terrorist attack. SA O’Connor is currently the Principal Consultant at FedSquared Consulting, providing instruction and consultation on a variety of Counterterrorism topics to both Government and private sector clients. SA O’Connor’s Law Enforcement career has been chronicled in numerous books including Tracy Kidders 1997 “Home Town”, Patrick Creed and Richard Newman’s “Firefight, the battle to save the Pentagon on 9-11”, Kirk Lippold’s “Front Burner” the story of the attack on the USS Cole, Roy Hallums’s “Buried Alive” the story of a hostage rescue after 311 days of captivity, and David Rohde’s “In Deep: The FBI, the CIA and the Truth about America’s Deep State”.

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