21.1 F
Washington D.C.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Two or More Ransomware Variants Impacting the Same Victims and Data Destruction Trends

This use of dual ransomware variants resulted in a combination of data encryption, exfiltration, and financial losses from ransom payments.

As of July 2023, the FBI noted two trends emerging across the ransomware environment and is releasing this notification for industry awareness. These new trends included multiple ransomware attacks on the same victim in close date proximity and new data destruction tactics in ransomware attacks.

The FBI noted a trend of dual ransomware attacks conducted in close proximity to one another. During these attacks, cyber threat actors deployed two different ransomware variants against victim companies from the following variants: AvosLocker, Diamond, Hive, Karakurt, LockBit, Quantum, and Royal. Variants were deployed in various combinations. This use of dual ransomware variants resulted in a combination of data encryption, exfiltration, and financial losses from ransom payments. Second ransomware attacks against an already compromised system could significantly harm victim entities.

In early 2022, multiple ransomware groups increased use of custom data theft, wiper tools, and malware to pressure victims to negotiate. In some cases, new code was added to known data theft tools to prevent detection. In other cases in 2022, malware containing data wipers remained dormant until a set time, then executed to corrupt data in alternating intervals.

The FBI recommends organizations take the steps below to improve their organization’s security posture in response to these new activity trends. The FBI recommends organizations establish and maintain strong liaison relationships with the FBI Field Office in their region. The location and contact information for FBI Field Offices can be located at www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices. Through these partnerships, the FBI can assist with identifying vulnerabilities and mitigating potential threat activity. The FBI further recommends organizations review and, if needed, update incident response and communication plans that list actions an organization will take if impacted by a cyber incident.

The FBI recommends network defenders apply the following mitigations to limit potential adversarial use of common system and network discovery techniques and to reduce the risk of compromise by ransomware:

Preparing for Cyber Incidents –

  • Maintain offline backups of data, and regularly maintain backup and restoration. By instituting this practice, the organization ensures they will not be severely interrupted, and that backup data will be accessible when it is needed.
  • Ensure all backup data is encrypted, immutable (that is, cannot be altered or deleted), and covers the entire organization’s data infrastructure. Ensure your backup data is not already infected.
  • Review the security posture of third-party vendors and those interconnected with your organization. Ensure all connections between third-party vendors and outside software or hardware are monitored and reviewed for suspicious activity.
  • Implement listing policies for applications and remote access that only allow systems to execute known and permitted programs under an established security policy.
  • Document and monitor external remote connections. Organizations should document approved solutions for remote management and maintenance, and immediately investigate if an unapproved solution is installed on a workstation.
  • Implement a recovery plan to maintain and retain multiple copies of sensitive or proprietary data and servers in a physically separate, segmented, and secure location (that is, a hard drive, other storage device, or the cloud).

Read more at IC3

Homeland Security Today
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