Coast Guard Sector Key West and the Florida Keys Area Maritime Security Committee will host a full-scale exercise with multiple local agencies on Friday, Feb. 1, 2019 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The exercise is part of the Area Maritime Security and Training Exercise Program. The event will require federal, state, local and industry partners to respond and recover from a simulated active shooter threat at the Key West Ferry Terminal. The primary purpose of the exercise is to test agencies’ response policies, plans and procedures to an active shooter incident within the maritime domain.
The exercise will take place at the Key West Ferry Terminal located on 100 Grinnell Street, Key West. All exercise play will be transparent to the public. There will be approximately 100 participants including representatives from multiple law enforcement agencies, local fire departments, medical/emergency medical service personnel, emergency management personnel, water treatment facilities, the maritime industry, Coast Guard, Federal Bureau of Investigation and others participating.
“When a significant event takes place, federal, state and local agencies establish a unified command to oversee the response,” said Capt. Francisco Rego, Coast Guard Federal Maritime Security Coordinator. “Exercises like this build cohesiveness between agencies within the port, strengthen our ability to form a coordinated response, and ultimately improving response times and effectiveness.”