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Sunday, February 9, 2025

DoD Establishes Assistant Secretaries of Defense in the Office of the Under Secretary for Research and Engineering

The ASDs are under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (R&E) and are the principal advisors to the USD(R&E) for their respective areas.

On July 12, the Department of Defense announced the establishment of three new Assistant Secretary of Defense positions, along with eight Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense, in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. The ASDs will replace the role of Deputy Chief Technology Officer.

“The establishment of these roles within Research & Engineering better positions our team to execute upon our mission of preserving our nation’s technological edge, now and into the future,” said Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering Heidi Shyu. “We thank our partners in Congress and across the DOD for getting us to this point.”

Pursuant to Title 10, U.S.C., section 138, and the Deputy Secretary of Defense memorandum of July 12, the following are established:

  • The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology.  Dr. Steven Wax will perform the duties of the ASD(S&T) until an individual is first appointed to the position by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.  Dr. Wax will also remain the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology.
    •  Three Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense are also established:
      • DASD Science & Technology Foundations
      • DASD Science & Technology Futures
      • DASD Science & Technology Program Protection
  • The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies.  Mr. Maynard Holliday will perform the duties of the ASD(CT) until an individual is first appointed to the position by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
    • Two Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense are also established:
      • DASD Applied Technology
      • DASD Enabling Technology
  • The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities.  Mr. Thomas Browning will perform the duties of the ASD(MC) until an individual is first appointed to the position by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
    • Ms. Marcia Holmes is the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Mission Capabilities.
    • Three Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense are also established:
      • DASD Multi-Domain Joint Operations
      • DASD Prototypes and Experiments
      • DASD Mission Integration

The ASDs are under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (R&E) and are the principal advisors to the USD(R&E) for their respective areas in helping improve U.S. capability and concepts to degrade an adversary’ s effects, as well as for related matters.

Read more at the Defense Department

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