20.1 F
Washington D.C.
Thursday, January 23, 2025

No Asia Pirate Attacks Reported in October; Crew Abductions Remain ‘Serious Concern’

A total of six incidents of armed robbery against ships were reported in Asia in October 2018. No piracy incident was reported. There was also no report of abduction of crew in the Sulu-Celebes Seas and no hijacking of ships for theft of oil cargo reported in October 2018. However, the abduction of crew for ransom in the Sulu-Celebes Seas and waters off Eastern Sabah remains a serious concern. The ReCAAP ISC has issued a Warning on 30 Oct 18 alerting the shipping industry about a group of about 10 ASG (Abu Sayyaf Group) members planning to conduct kidnapping activities at any opportune time in undisclosed areas in Sabah targeting businessmen or ship’s crew of foreign vessels passing through the area.

Of the six incidents reported in October 2018, five incidents occurred on board ships at anchor/berth and one incident on board ship while underway.

A total of 70 incidents comprising of 56 actual incidents and 14 attempted incidents4 have been verified and reported to ReCAAP ISC during January-October 2018. Of these, 67 were incidents of armed robbery against ships and three were piracy incidents. Compared to January-October 2017, there was a 5% decrease in the total number of incidents reported during January-October 2018. A total of 74 incidents comprising 64 actual and 10 attempted incidents were reported during January-October 2017.

Read the ReCAPP ISC report 

Homeland Security Today
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