The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has updated its “Security of Soft Targets and Crowded Places—Resource Guide” to reflect recent attacks and help prepare stakeholders for a breadth of threats ranging from bombings or active shooters to drones.
CISA first released the guide last year, offering a variety of materials for soft targets to incorporate into their risk mitigation strategies.
The resources can be used by stakeholders beyond at-risk soft targets, though, and the guide breaks down CISA’s available library of fact sheets, guides, in-person and online training, videos, websites and more for easy use by first responders, government, businesses and everyone.
The resource links cover prevention, such as facility access and screening, as well as response. Some of the resources are tightly tailored to specific sector audiences, such as an English and Spanish video to train hotel personnel on spotting suspicious behavior, while others are tailored to tactics, such as the training for businesses and first responders on what materials may be used to construct an improvised explosive device.
“Segments of our society are inherently open to the general public, and by nature of their purpose do not incorporate strict security measures,” states the guide. “Given the increased emphasis by terrorists and other extremist actors to leverage less sophisticated methods to inflict harm in public areas, it is vital that the public and private sectors collaborate to enhance security of locations such as transportation centers, parks, restaurants, shopping centers, special event venues, and similar facilities.”
CISA Assistant Director for Infrastructure Security Brian Harrell stressed at this month’s Government Technology & Services Coalition’s Emergency Management 2019 event that he wants stakeholders at the industry and community levels to be prepared for the threat posed by unmanned aircraft systems.
“This is not an emerging threat. This was emerging five years ago. This is here. It is now,” he said. “…Private industry does not own the airspace above generation facilities, above a transmission substation, above a water plant — so the overhead threat for attack is absolutely real today.”
The guide includes drone-threat resources for all audiences as well as businesses and law enforcement.
Download the “Security of Soft Targets and Crowded Places—Resource Guide” here
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