Nonnuclear elements, constituting more than 80 percent of components within a nuclear weapon, play a crucial role. The Kansas City National Security Campus (Kansas City site) in Missouri, overseen by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and managed by a contractor, is instrumental in procuring or producing these components.
Current demands at the Kansas City site surpass nominal capacity and are projected to escalate over the next two decades, aligning with NNSA’s program requirements and forecasts.
Kansas City Site Planning Scenario Showing Number of Forecasted Hourly Production Staff to Work on NNSA Weapons Systems and Other Activities, 2025—2045
aHourly staff refers to the number of hourly full-time equivalents, which reflect the total number of regular straight-time hours (i.e., excluding overtime or holiday hours) worked by employees divided by the number of compensable hours applicable to each fiscal year.
The site has initiated strategic measures, including acquiring additional space near its current location and planning for further expansion, to address heightened production and office space needs arising from increased workload demands. Additionally, the site has implemented actions to tackle challenges associated with its workforce, equipment, external suppliers, and quality assurance practices, leading to operational efficiency gains. Despite these efforts, challenges persist in securing adequate production and office space, maintaining an ample contractor workforce, and ensuring a reliable supply of external suppliers.
A 2019 report highlighted management challenges at the Kansas City site, focusing on meeting projected workload demands. These challenges encompassed the need for sufficient production and administrative office space, a capable workforce, up-to-date production equipment, and dependable external suppliers. The report detailed actions and strategies identified by contractor representatives and NNSA officials to address these challenges.
A Senate committee report, part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, mandates a reevaluation of progress made by NNSA and the Kansas City site in mitigating identified risks related to production and office space, employee hiring, equipment, external suppliers, and quality assurance practices. This report provides insights into each of these areas.
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) conducted a thorough review and analysis of pertinent documentation and data related to space, personnel, equipment, external suppliers, and quality assurance obtained from the site contractors and NNSA.
Read the rest of the report at GAO, here.