Lantern Rescue is a U.S. based 501c3 non-profit organization that rescues exploited, persecuted, and displaced individuals and families. Lantern Rescue works domestically and internationally to create sustainable partnerships with local government entities, international organizations, and military and law enforcement personnel.
Ren is the Co-Founder and Vice President of Lantern Rescue, an international counter human trafficking non-profit organization. Lantern Rescue trains and equips foreign law enforcement teams to become counter-human trafficking task forces with the goal of liberating survivors of trafficking and seeking justice through prosecution of their traffickers. Lantern Rescue’s mission of creating counter human trafficking task forces, organic to foreign law enforcement units, is driven by the ideology that no one is in a better position to change lives and mindsets than fellow countrymen of the survivors of trafficking. Lantern Rescue currently has active operations in 20 countries, while these operations are primarily focused on counter-trafficking efforts, Lantern Rescue also has a presence in the extraction and recovery of persecuted people and assisting in crisis and conflict issues that threaten religious and individual freedoms. Ren began her legal education in 2020 and will be graduating with her Juris Doctorate in May 2023. Ren has been working as a certified legal intern in her local District Attorney’s Office since May of 2021 where she assists in the prosecution of CSAM, human trafficking, and other sex crimes. Ren also works on appeals to prevent the overturning of convictions of sex crimes, CSAM, and human trafficking.